Wellness courses

přednáška Wellness za zdmi wellness center

Lecture: Wellness beyond the walls of wellness centers

 Jan 1, 2030,  00:00 ,  current dates are listed in course description

Have you ever thought, what does the word wellness actually mean? Apparently is has its origins in the English language, but you won´t find it in a dictionary. At the same time, everybody knows it...

 In this lecture I will tell you the answer and you will learn much more.


seminář Jak změnit svůj život(ní styl) - kde začít?

Seminar: How to change your life(style) - Where to start?

 Jan 1, 2030,  01:00 ,  current dates are listed in course description

There is no single guide towards a better life, no single path to take. It is impossible to start exercising every morning, eating only healthy meals, doing work you actually enjoy and at the same time keep smiling. Also it is not enough to simply follow the advice of your nutrition therapist, personal trainer and a best friend.

First you have to know where you want to go.

This seminar can serve as a map, before you set for the journey. Or as a directory, if you are already on your way towards the better.


workshop 12 kroků ke zdravějšímu a lepšímu životu

Workshop: 12 steps towards a healthier and better life

 Jan 1, 2030,  02:00 ,  current dates are listed in course description

All roads lead to Rome (Italians say), the Wellness Inventory is a to your road to health.

In this workshop you will make the first three steps towards your healthier and better life.

We will explain how health is related to a better life and you will test yourself with the Wellness Inventory tool. Together we will set following nine steps that will be ahead of you.

